
Wenzhou Kangning Hospital Group
Wenzhou Kangning Hospital , founded in 1997, is the only non-public Class III Grade A (top class) Specialized Psychiatric Hospital in China. As a Key National Clinical Specialty (Psychiatry) Hospital, it is also affiliated with Wenzhou Medical University. Wenzhou Kangning Hospital Co., Ltd, originated from Wenzhou Kangning Hospital, has expanded from the city of Wenzhou to nationwide. On November 20th, 2015, Kangning Hospital was listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange Main Board, thus becoming the first public hospital company in China specialized in psychiatry.
1997 Y
Founding of Kangning
Hospital Beds?
Charity Foundations
News Center
Research and Education
Academician Workstation
International Collaborations
Overview of Specialties and Sub-Specialties
Continuing Medical Education
School of Mental Health
Base for Clinical Training
Center for Clinical Research
浏阳市| 乐昌市| 和政县| 乐山市| 余干县| 托克托县| 乐昌市| 洛宁县| 大化| 沧源| 赤水市| 武鸣县| 洛川县| 邵阳县| 泽库县| 山阳县| 高碑店市| 舟山市| 安丘市| 隆林| 龙陵县| 阿图什市| 霍邱县| 七台河市| 威海市| 凉山| 兰溪市| 宜城市| 富民县| 永胜县| 锦屏县| 如东县| 新民市| 阿瓦提县| 乐山市| 孝义市| 井研县| 承德市| 高密市| 靖江市| 内黄县|